Stories Tagged: red tape

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon Frustrated with Red Tape and Bureaucracy as SailGP Event Postponed

Christopher Luxon, the prime minister of New Zealand, has expressed his frustration with red... (3 revisions)

Efforts to Reduce Red Tape and Improve Government Services in Bermuda

David Seymour, leader of the second-largest party in the New Zealand government, has chosen to... (6 revisions)

Eli Lilly CEO praises Ireland's ability to fast-track factories, contrasting it with the UK's red tape

Ireland's corporate tax policy and business environment continue to attract attention, with Eli... (6 revisions)

French President Macron Faces Angry Farmers' Protests at Agricultural Show

French President Emmanuel Macron spent the entire day at the annual agricultural fair in Paris... (14 revisions)